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Problems Foreign Tourists Find Most Challenging in India
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Problems Foreign Tourists Find Most Challenging in India
Problems Foreign Tourists Find Most Challenging in India
As per a recent report published online, India has recorded a number close to 4,77,374 foreign travellers arriving on Indian shores in 2024. While there has been a surge in such statistics, tourism has yet to reach the same highs it experienced before COVID-19. As per the report, during the first half of the year 2024, foreign tourist arrivals reached 4,778,374. These numbers were reached after a reported no of 4,380,239 during the same period In 2023.
While the FTA numbers have showcased a venerable increase, there has been a considerable drop from the pre-COVID numbers of about 5,296,025. To bring the numbers back to where they were, Indian Airlines has sought to take new measures. These include the inclusion of new routes and an increase in flight frequencies. As per the latest numbers, Bali and Baku have become new travel destinations for the Indian middle class. Even despite such newer travel pursuits for Indians, the influx of foreign tourists to India remains below the pre-COVID levels.
In recent years, one of the significant challenges to Indian tourism has been competition from neighbouring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, as well as their more affordable travel packages. To further ease travel for tourists, these countries have invoked easier visa policies, such as visa-free entries for Indian tourists, which have further diverted a major chunk of potential visitors away from India.
To combat the effects of the situation, major interventions have been brought forward to promote domestic tourism. Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji encouraged Indians to explore and visit domestic destinations. Despite these effects, there has been little effect on increasing foreign tourist arrivals in India. Even popular destinations such as Goa haven't been able to reach similar traveller statistics as before the COVID era.
Here are a few of the Changes Necessary to Boost the FTA Numbers
Additionally, enhancing the infrastructure and maintaining better civic facilities along with cleanliness would surely help improve the marketing campaigns. Successful campaigns such as Incredible India and Athithi Devo Bhava could help and support the interest among visitors. The challenge of attracting newer tourists is no small task as they often seek similar services to those they are used to in their respective nations in India. Hence, a boost in overall infrastructure, as well as public transport and safety for women, remain prime concerns.
Countries That Have Been Able to Increase Tourism Post-Pandemic
The trends in post-pandemic tourism have not been similar for every country in the world; several countries have been above and beyond India's present conditions in attracting travellers. Here is a list of the top 10 countries for travel and tourism in 2024.
The United States is at the top and still considered to be one of the most sought-after travelling locations in 2024; in 2023, the United States were able to host a whopping 80 million international tourists. Beyond that, Spain and Japan are on the list, which hosted about 70 million and 30 million foreign visitors in 2023, respectively. France ranked 4th while Australia ranked 5th, with 8 million international tourists and an additional about 60 billion dollars to its GDP in 2023. Further on the list remained Germany, China, Italy and Switzerland.
Here are a Few Major Causes of Faltering Tourism in India
To gain a better perspective of the issues that tourists might be facing in India, a recent report has been published by the Indian Travel and Tourism Department. A general set of problems that travellers usually face during travel to India were ranked, and based on this study, the results were such. Foreign tourists ranked touting and cheating as one of the primary sources of troubles and issues; unhygienic Destinations were ranked 2nd while Inadequate Infrastructure at Railway Station and Airport. Further, foreign tourists ranked bad road conditions on 4th, bad treatment by shopkeepers and taxis at five, poorly managed attraction sights at 6, improper behaviour at 7, lack of civic comforts at 9, higher comparative hotel prices at 10 and Higher domestic airfare at 11.
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