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How Should I Attach My Commercial Cars With An All-India Tourist Permit on a Monthly/Yearly Rental Basis?
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How Should I Attach My Commercial Cars With An All-India Tourist Permit on a Monthly/Yearly Rental Basis?
How Should I Attach My Commercial Cars With An All-India Tourist Permit on a Monthly/Yearly Rental Basis?
This is one of the most asked questions that has been doing rounds over the internet; every commercial car rental provider or prospective car rental service provider has been seeking the answers to gain the necessary permits and ensure that our business can perform at a pan-India level. Being a self-drive car rental service provider, we understand the impulse of the market, and hence, in this blog, we will describe the various kinds of permits and taxes that a commercial vehicle provider can attain to provide their services across India.
With the nation's growing needs, the shared mobility market in India is said to be soaring at a rate of about 3.13%. With such soaring rates of development, it's evident that budding businesses want to grasp the opportunity to grow and develop their presence on a pan-India basis. Irrespective of the capital-intensive nature of the business, more and more startups and innovative budding businesses want to provide for the growing needs of the nation's mobility. To cater to all such businesses, we have articulated this in-detail blog.
Different Permits that a business can attain from the Government
National Permits
In most cases, such permits are provided to vehicles that are in good health and can easily travel beyond the state borders. Such a permit is provided for a minimum of at least four continuous states, including the state in which the vehicle has been registered, commonly known as the home state of the vehicle. Such permits are provided under rules 86 & 87 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989; only vehicles under 12 years of registration can attain such permits. In the case of multi-axle vehicles, the age should not exceed 15 years. For all such issues, the customer has to apply for forms 46 and 48 along with other formalities.

Taxi Permits
Such permits are issued by the MLO Burari. In most cases, these licences are not necessary as an officiating document on a commercial registration number. In most cases, after such permits are provided to the permit seeker, the fares are to be collected based on the fare meter mounted upon the vehicle and as determined by the STA.
Temporary Permits
The STA provides a Temporary permit under Section 87 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 to transport a vehicle for a limited period, enabling a vehicle to go outside of Delhi only for the following reasons stipulated by the Road and Transport Association.
- For transporting passengers in case of special occasions held beyond the state borders, these special occasions have been identified, such as Religious Gatherings or seasonal business.
- Or as per the norms to provide for a particular need, Pending a decision on an application about the renewal of the permit.
- For obtaining such permits, the driver or the owner of the vehicle would have to apply for the P.Temp.A.DLY/DLZ (All India Permits Cab)
- It has been established in the guidelines that the applicant should have an office and an official telephone No that has been registered, and the provider must have an official parking space for all their vehicles.
- The Road Tax, as well as the tax of the vehicle, is paid at state borders at tolls. In case of luxury cars, DLZ permits are provided.
Rent a Cab, Permits
According to the data available online, Rent-a-Cab services and norms were launched in 1989. Under such schemes, the passenger drives the vehicles themselves, and the charges are established based on the terms of usage. According to the rules, there are some prerequisite needs for such permits. These are as follows.
- The applicant should have a 24hrs accessible phone.
- An adequate parking space for all the vehicles that the provider is ready to rent.
- As a rule, the applicant of such a permit should have at least 50 cabs, of which at least 50%, about 25 vehicles should be air-conditioned.
- Such permits are valid through India, provided that the passenger taxes are paid to the corresponding states as necessary.

All India Tourist Permits
In most cases, such permits are provided to buses that are painted in a particular paint scheme; this paint scheme requires a blue ribbon of five cm at the exterior of the vehicle. The word Tourist should be painted on the two sides of the body of the vehicle within in a circle of about 60cm in diameter. The tourist permit would be deemed invalid from the date on which the vehicle under the permit has completed about 9 years in the case of a cab, and if in case the vehicle is other than a motor cab, the duration of its life should be only about 8 years.
In such cases, the motor vehicle can be replaced by another vehicle, but it (the new vehicle) should not be more than 2 years old on the date of the replacement. As per the norms, the vehicle should have certain amenities as standard, such as a public address system, drinking water, reclining seats, fans, curtains, a separate driver cabin, etc. For all such permits, the owner has to apply on forms 45 and 48 along with other regulated formalities.
A vehicle authorized under the rules shall exhibit the words upon its body as an All-India Tourist Permit.
Easier ways of Earning from your vehicles, List your cars with RenTrip.
As a mobility service provider, we understand how challenging it could be for a rental service provider to conduct business and use his or her assets to earn after undertaking such permits. To ensure that any person who plans to earn from their vehicles does not have to go through such hassles, we have ensured that vehicle renting through RenTrip is as easy as possible. Beyond ensuring that the process is easy and efficient, we also provide several benefits and rewards that no other provider in the market can even think of.
Every vehicle listing with us would bring you the following benefits.
- Zero Listing Fees: Beyond being simple and hassle-free, we charge zero fees and charges while you list your vehicles with us. No contemporary vehicle provider can quickly provide such ease of listing vehicles over the internet.
- Over the years, RenTrip has been able to cater to a wide variety of customers, and over the years, we have gained a market presence that brings us limitless business. Once you list with us you will be able to easily cater to a wide variety of business needs and enjoy the benefits of limitless business queries.
- List Multiple products from a single account – You would be able to list a plethora of vehicles from a single account. Such ease of access would surely help you in building a better business and grow.
- Timely Payments from our end : All payments that are to be initiated from our end are done promptly; as a business, we cater to all our patrons with utmost care and attention.
- 24/7 Call Support- our patrons can reach us any time for any kind of business queries or correspondence.
- Dedicated Relationship Manager- We would designate all your necessary dealings and daily correspondence to a single relationship manager. The Manager would single-handedly provide you with all the necessary information needed for daily purposes and also help you provide to our customers with better services.
- Payouts offer a weekly payout to all our patrons to ensure that they can easily maintain cash liquidity at their end.
- Product Management Software- Managing your vehicles and their statistics could never have been easier.
- Training – we provide necessary Training to all our patrons regarding the usage of our software and other methods.
- Tours Operation Support – In case you want to expand your business prospects and include Tours operation support to the services you provide as well, then RenTrip can also offer you full support.
If you also want to rent your vehicles to earn money, all you have to do is contact our services through the numbers on our website. And provide all the necessary details to our management, and within a short duration, all your vehicles will be listed online on our website for self-drive rentals. Forget about attaining the necessary permits to earn from your car. Contact us today, and you will be able to easily earn your vehicle's worth in no time. Contact us today.
In certain cases, bought vehicles are used in an erratic manner and with the increasing rate of depreciation, these offer no help to the customers who have bought them. But now you can easily change all this with the help of RenTrip. At RenTrip we can easily provide you with support and earnings that would help you grow and offset the depreciation rate. To help you Add your vehicles to our Website, we have assembled a special dealer department that can easily handle all your queries and questions and help you grow further. Our dealer department has gained substantial knowledge and understanding in hosting cars online and can quickly help you host your cars and earn.
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