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How to plan a trip during covid 19 outbreak
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How to plan a trip during covid 19 outbreak
How to plan a Trip during Covid 19 Outbreak
Who on earth did even think we all were going to be cooped up in our homes for 6months and more (Feels like the pandemic will never end, let's hope it does soon ;).)The first few months were enjoyable but now everyone is losing their mind from online classes dashed with hell lot of assignments and tests and off course work from home. That’s why I see a lot of people planning trips and some are heading back home as the interstate restrictions have cooled down. So, here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you plan your trip safely and wisely. And also do check out the article on travel practices during covid.
1. Be Wise While You Choose the Mode of Transport
The chances of you catching the virus are very high when you travel. It said that air is considered the safest due to the air continuously being filtered. When it comes to buses and trains the “common touchpoints” are more. Hence you’ll have to take extra measures while you travel. One of the best ways to travel is the Bike as it’s important to limit the number of people. There are a number of bike rentals you could choose from. Make sure the vehicle has been sanitized and is safe.
2. Clean bill of health
Patients at high risk should not travel, until or unless it’s an emergency. And to those out of this category should get your covid test done so that you do not give your flu to others. It’s mandatory to get a test certificate when you’re traveling through the air, that too from a specific center within 48hrs before you fly.
3. Choice of destination
Cherry-pick your destination! Go for a place with fewer crowds or where it could be avoided. Nature outdoors is the best option as it gives you the freedom to follow all the guidelines and not bother with the hygiene of the place (I mean the thought if the place has been used by someone). Avoid the covid hotspots and choose your destination wisely.
4. Carry the pandemic essential Box
Here’s something new to your previous checklist. The items in this box are a couple of hand gloves, sanitizer, tissue wipes, a thermometer, towel, a head shield, extra pair of clothes (to change after your travel), disposal bags, soap, and masks. This kit has to be handy and does not mix these items with the other.
5. Where to stay
Book your accommodation only if you are confident enough about the location. Go for an AAA graded hotel. You could even look out for a place on Airbnb, it’s the best way to avoid crowds. Bikers usually pick places like these. Carry a travel bed or a pillow-bed sheet just in case. But make sure the place is clean and they follow all the covid protocols. I feel it is ok to mail or talk to the manager about your priorities priorly.
6. Study on the travel restrictions
Different places have different restrictions such as outsiders aren’t allowed, no stay or it could be sealed by the local authority. These rules may change over time so keep updating yourself frequently.
The above-mentioned are add-on’s to your existing list, hence do not forget to check on your previous list. The biggest tip is to follow all the rules and keep the virus at bay.
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